
Some ideas for the future

So, I started writing this notification only because in reality I don't really want to work (at least today), so instead of wasting time I spend a few words on some ideas that I would like to implement for the blog / youtube channel.


·        The first idea, already mentioned on the twitter profile; would be to propose one of the topics written on the blog in the form of a video for the “Let's talk about…” section of the Youtube channel. The topic in question would be deepened and for me it would also be a great way to make up for a future lack of subjects to talk about.

·         After the summer (so we talk from September onwards), I will expand “Occhio all'artista” also to foreign audiences. Having a lot of foreign acquaintances who deserve to be noticed, it seems fair to give them this space too. To balance the vision with the Italian artists, they will be alternated from month to month: September: foreign artist - October: Italian artist etc. For the propaganda I am still undecided whether to use the same space or create a special one in English, as I am already doing for the articles. If you have friends from overseas who you think are worthy of "Eye to the artist", you can start proposing them.

  • ·         Speaking of foreign audiences again, I'm still trying to figure out how to put those damn English subtitles in the videos! It's… difficult and complicated. I hate it. I am considering more and more to create videos in English too… but create the same video in two different languages? Is it worth it ??? I'm not watchmojo. This option is excluded for the "Clearing of words"
  • Art streaming. This is tough because I don't know if I've reached enough audience. Other than that, I have to consider what would be the right time to broadcast.

 And then ... bho? At the moment these are the points that I most want to make.

I am open to suggestions and help, anything that points me to the best solution. I don't usually do this because I find it rude… but this time I insist that you answer.
Thanks for your attention.

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